Žanrs: indie pop, twee
Nāk no..: UK
Izdošanas gads: 2005 (lai gan pats Snowball bez plusiem un singliem tika izdots 1989. gadā)
Visbiežāk es uzskrienu tieši faktam, ka The Field Mice ir vispopulārākā Sarah Records paspārnē bijusī grupa, kas gan man vienmēr liek smīnēt, jo neviens jau nezin nedz tādus The Field Mice, nedz arī pašu Sarah Records. (Ha, tāpēc es tuvākajā nākotnē varētu padalīties arī ar kādu Sarah Records izlasīti!) Pastāvēja viņi tikai trīs gadus: no 1988. līdz 1991. gadam. Grozījās pa Londonu. Ko vēl var pateikt? Ah, pareizi - visspilgtākais, ko es jebkad par viņiem esmu lasījusi, ir kāda cita blogera vārdi:
They sound like someone gave Morrisey a roofie and had him front a strange mixture of Belle and Sebastian, New Order, and Isn't Anything My Bloody Valentine. Sleepy vocals over poppy guitar twangs and a drum machine.
Lead singer Robert Wratten is probably the wimpiest singer I've ever heard. He makes Ben Gibbard and Stuart Murdoch sound like jocks. Sample lyrics:
"I always feel this way, No harm can come to when I'm in your company"
"I can't help feeling it cannot last/I can't help feeling you will break my heart, break my heart"
"If the sun going down can make me cry, why should I not like the way I am?"
Comparitively, Colin Meloy is a lumberjack.
Eh, tas mani vienmēr uzjautrina.. Bet tas ir tik trāpīgi!
They sound like someone gave Morrisey a roofie and had him front a strange mixture of Belle and Sebastian, New Order, and Isn't Anything My Bloody Valentine. Sleepy vocals over poppy guitar twangs and a drum machine.
Lead singer Robert Wratten is probably the wimpiest singer I've ever heard. He makes Ben Gibbard and Stuart Murdoch sound like jocks. Sample lyrics:
"I always feel this way, No harm can come to when I'm in your company"
"I can't help feeling it cannot last/I can't help feeling you will break my heart, break my heart"
"If the sun going down can make me cry, why should I not like the way I am?"
Comparitively, Colin Meloy is a lumberjack.
Eh, tas mani vienmēr uzjautrina.. Bet tas ir tik trāpīgi!
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